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royal academy (英國)皇家藝術院〔略 R.A.〕。

royal air force

Lord oxburgh is a fellow of the royal society , the royal academy of engineering and the us academy of sciences . he is an honorary professor at the university of cambridge , and chairman of the board of trustee for the natural history museum , london . in 1999 , his services to science were recognized when he was made a life peer and took the title of lord oxburgh of liverpool in the county of merseyside 此外,奧斯勛爵并榮獲英國皇家學會英國皇家工程學院及美國科學學院院士劍橋大學榮譽教授倫敦自然歷史博物館信托董事會主席并于1999年英女皇壽辰時獲頒終身貴族勛銜,并同時成為默西塞德郡利物浦勛爵,表彰他在科學領域的卓越服務。

In a ceremony at the forbidden city , mrs . blair witnessed the signing of a artwork sharing agreement between the imperial palace and the royal academy of arts and a series of masterclasses for chinese students were held in dance , football , architecture and film by renowned british arts personalities 布萊爾夫人出席了在紫禁城舉行的一項北京故宮與英國皇家藝術學院之間的藝術品共享協議,以及為中國學生舉辦一系列的大師班的協議的簽字儀式。這些涉及舞蹈、足球、建筑以及電影方面的大師班都是由英國在這些方面的著名人士主持的。

China in london 2006 is being organised through a partnership between visit london , the london chinatown chinese association and the royal academy of arts whose exhibition china : the three emperors , 1662 - 1795 will be a cornerstone of the season “ 2006中國在倫敦”是倫敦旅游局與倫敦唐人街中國協會、英國皇家藝術學院共同舉辦的。后者的名為中國: 1662年至1795年的三朝皇帝的展覽,將成為本次活動的一個重要組成部分。

Of the royal academy of engineering . during the workshop , british and chinese experts had wide communication and discussions on many areas like current research status , major research projects and funding in both countries 會議期間,中英生物材料專家就兩國生物材料發展現狀,主要研究項目,優勢領域,投入資金概況,及成都生物材料產業發展概況及商務合作機遇等進行廣泛的交流和探討。

They also won a prize in the central glass international architectural design competition 2004 in japan as well as at the royal academy summer show in london for their two exhibited drawings 他們亦于日本的2004國際建筑設計大賽centralglassinternationalarchitecturaldesigncompetition2004以及倫敦的皇家學院夏季展( royalacademysummershow )中獲頒獎項。

The first ceremony to award the nobel prizes in literature , physics , chemistry , and medicine was held at the old royal academy of music in stockholm in 1901 ; since 1902 , the prizes have been formally awarded by the king of sweden 1901年諾貝爾獎第一次在原皇家音樂學院頒發了文學物理化學和醫學獎。從1902年起諾貝爾獎每年由瑞典國王親自頒發。

Born on december 31 , 1937 as the only son of a baker , welsh actor anthony hopkins was drawn to the theatre while attending the ymca at age 17 , and later learned the basics of his craft at london s royal academy of dramatic art 安東尼霍普金斯anthony hopkins于1937年12月31日出生于英國的南威爾士。他是一位影視劇三棲演員。

A cornerstone of china in london 2006 is china : the three emperors , 1662 - 1795 exhibition , currently showing at the royal academy until 17 april 2006 3 . “ 2006年中國在倫敦”的一個基本活動是目前在皇家藝術院( royal academy )舉行的“ 1662至1795年間的三位中國皇帝”展覽,該展覽將于2006年4月17日結束。

But in the late 18th century , fuseli , and for a short time barry also , were prominent members of the young royal academy of arts ( ra ) and influential professors of painting there 不過,在18世紀晚期,富塞利曾經是早期皇家美術學院( ra )的杰出會員和頗具影響力的畫師,巴里曾一度也是如此。

Introduction : at the beginning of the new year , 97 candidates who attended the uk royal academy grading test received pass certificates 新年伊始,我市參加英國皇家音樂學院音樂等級考試的97名學生收到了來自英國皇家音樂學院的等級證書。

Professor cheung is a fellow of the royal academy of engineering and member of the chinese academy of sciences . he was awarded an o . b . e . in 1995 他獲授英國工程學院院士和中國科學院院士,并于1996年獲頒授o . b . e .勛銜。

Lord oxburgh is a fellow of the royal society , the royal academy of engineering and the us academy of sciences The lord oxburgh of liverpool勛爵是英國皇家學會英國皇家工程學院及美國科學學院的院士。

A ballet dancer since age 4 , she moved to london , england to study at the royal academy as a teenager 四歲的時候楊紫瓊把愛好轉向芭蕾舞。并考入倫敦皇家舞蹈學院學習在那里她獲得高級學位。

British actor and theatrical producer who founded the royal academy of dramatic art ( 1904 ) 特里,赫伯特?比爾博姆1853 1917英國演員和戲劇制作人,他創立了皇家戲劇學院( 1904年)

It is one of three oil paintings produced by the artist for the royal academy of arts exhibition of 1841 它是特納于1841年為英國皇家美術院展覽會所繪制的3幅油畫之一。

In may of 1932 , vivien began to study at rada , the royal academy of dramatic art in london 1932年的5月,費雯開始就讀rada , (英國)皇家戲劇藝術學院。

1985 transfer to the sculpture department , royal academy of the arts , brussels , belgium 1984 - 90作品為布魯塞爾皇家藝術學院及布魯塞爾美術館典藏

Royal academy of music 皇家音樂學院

Royal academy of art 英國皇家藝術院